FitDog Energy + Rehydrate Pack size small (250g)

FitDog Energy + Rehydrate (1)

The product is used for rehydration and to supplement the energy level of the dog BEFORE and DURING exercise. More information

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Do you have difficulties in getting your dog to drink enough? 
Are you worried about the rehydration of your dog during long and warm days? 

The product is used for rehydration and to supplement the energy level of the dog before and during exercise. 

Mix the powder with water by shaking it in a bottle.

The product is used for rehydration and to supplement the energy level of the dog before and during exercise as well as in the special situation in which the dog needs extra rehydration. The product is suitable for bitches after labor, old dogs and dogs recovering from surgery or illness. Mix the powder with water by shaking it in a bottle. 

It is recommended to start rehydration and energy supplementing 1-2 days before exercise or need for extra rehydration. Rehydration is done by giving a small amount (1-2 dl) of rehydration drink several times during the day. During exercise energy and rehydrate drink powder can be given every 2-3 hours. 

The product contains over 50% of fat which offers quick energy for exercise. The product is very delicious with a taste of meat and dogs drink it easily. 


Usage before the exercise: The product can be used 1-2 days before hard exercise to boost the energy levels of the dog. 
Dosage 2 tablespoons (15g) per 10 kg of weight, mix 2 tablespoons / 1-2 dl of water. 
Usage during the exercise day: During the competition /exercise day, the product can be given several times to sustain the energy levels of the dog. 

Dosage 2 tablespoons (15g) per 10 kg of weight, mix 2 tablespoons / 1-2 dl of water. 

Rehydration: In case there is no need for extra energy but only for rehydration, you can mix only a small amount of powder into water to make the water taste delicious to the dog. 
Mix for instance 2 tablespoons (15g) in 4-5 dl of water. 

Mix the powder with water preferably by shaking it in a bottle. 
Preservation: Room temperature (15-25 °C) 

Nutrition values

Nutrition values per 100g 
Energy 2,5MJ/597 Kcal 
Fat 53,1g 
Protein 14g 
Carbohydrates 27,6g 
Ash 2,2g 
Fibre 0,8g 
Natrium 0,2g 

Ingredients: Fat powder, soy protein. 
Additives: Meat flavour. 

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